
Pagination #

Pagination is implemented using a cursor that allows for seeking. Consumers are free to move around in the result set using the $page parameter with no performance penalty. Cursors are ephemeral. They are created when a search is first performed and the cursor’s ID must be given to subsequent requests for results.

The Link header uses absolute paths; any path can be pulled out from the header and used as-is.

Initial request #


GET /maintenance/work_orders


X-Total: 38
X-Cursor: iCUbR5nAkW
Link: </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=1>; rel="first",
    </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=2>; rel="next",
    </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=4>; rel="last"
The Link header does not contain new line characters when working with the API. They were added to the example above for readability.

Second page #


GET /maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=2


X-Total: 38
X-Cursor: iCUbR5nAkW
Link: </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=1>; rel="first",
    </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=1>; rel="prev",
    </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=3>; rel="next",
    </maintenance/work_orders?$cursor=iCUbR5nAkW&$page=4>; rel="last"
The Link header does not contain new line characters when working with the API. They were added to the example above for readability.

Limiting page size #


GET /maintenance/work_orders?$limit=5
Authorization: Bearer 12345

The response will be the same as the example above. The only indication that a limit has been set would be the number of results returned vs the total number of results.

Reference #

Headers #

Header Description
X-Cursor Cursor ID. Created on initial request for records.
X-Total Total number of records that are contained within the cursor. All records match the original search conditions, if specified.
Link Optional. Quick links to additional pages of results. first and last will be available if the cursor has results. prev and next will be available if $page is greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum, respectively. Paths are absolute.

Query string #

Parameter Description
$limit Optional. Maximum number of items to return per page. Defaults to 10, with a maximum of 50. Can only be specified on initial request.
$page Which page of results to return.
$cursor ID of cursor that points to result set.